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Clarence Seeber's WWI discharge papers

Just arrived from the State archives in Topeka, my grandfathers WWI discharge papers!


                       Honorable Discharge from The United States Army

                                 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

This is to Certify, That* Frank C Seeber
982328 Private 1 Class Cas Det 1074 Dem Group___
(last Assigned) Welfare Det Co C Hq. Bn. A.S.C_____

THE UNUTES STATES ARMY, as a Testimonial of Honest and Faithful
Service, is hereby Honorably Discahred from the military service of the
Uninted States by reason of Tel W.D. Nov 18/18 Lts A.G. A. Nov 30/18

     Said       Frank C Seeber                                        was born
in       Great Bend        , in the state              of Kansas______________
When he enlisted he was 23 1/2 years of age and by occupation a  Chemist_______
He had Blue eyes, Brown Hair, Fair complexion, and
was 5 Feet 7 1'2 inches in height.

   Given under my hand at Camp Dodge Iowa this
21st Day of July, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen

                                                     Lo?? Cam?e?
                                                     Major, Signal Corps USA

Transcriptionist: PAGE 2

                                                                     Enlistment Record

Name: Frank C Seeber                                                     Grade: Private 1 Class
Enlisted, or Inducted,  Apr 17    ,1918 , at Great Bend Kansas

Serving in   First                                     enlistment period at the date of discharge
Prior Service:* None________________________________________________

Noncommisioned Officer: Never_______________________________________
Marksmanship, gunner qualification or rating: Not qualified________________
Horsemanship: Not Mounted_________________________________________
Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions:
 A.E.F Adv. on Oureq and Vesle Aug 2 to Sept 7
Inc. Meuse Argonne Offen Sept 26 Oct 9 Thaincourt Sec Oct 15 to Nov 11/18
Oiaw-aisne Off Aug 18-Sept 7, 18
Decorations Medals Nadeges Citations
Knowledge of any vocation: Chemist_____________________________________

Wounds recieved in service: Wounded___________________________________

Physical Condition when discharged: Good________________________________
Typhoid prophylaxis completed _triple May 6/18____________________________
Paratyphoid prophylaxix completed_______________________________________
Married or Single: Single_______________________________________________
Character: Excellent_________________________________________________
Remarks: No A.W.O.L No A.F.D under G.O. 31?45 W.D. 1914__________________
                  Entitled to travel Pay___________________________________________
                  Left U.S. June 21/18  Wounded checron authorized  April 11, 1918_____
                  Returned to U.S. July 9/19_______________________________________

                                                    G E Jemison__________________
                                                    Capt Inf U.S.A________________
                                                    commanding CAS Det 1074______

Transcriptionist -Stamped on Middle of Form
Ticket from Camp Dodge to
Great Bend KS
Form  ? 3 52468
Date issued  7/21/1919
H. H. LAVINE,  Agent

Transcriptionist -Stamped on bottom of Form
JULY 21 1919
Paid in Full Including
Bonus. $ 139.28
A. A. Pasmore
Capt. Quartermaster, U.S.A.


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