In the Mid-1770's, several forts along the Mohawk Valley in New York were rebuilt, in anticipation of an attack by the British. One of the outposts which had recently been reconstructed was For Schuyler (a.k.a. Fort Stanwix). It was commanded by General Phillip Schuyler. In mid July of 1777, concerned of a British offensive, General Schuyler requested troops from the Tryon County Militia. The county Militia consisted of mostly Palatine farmers who were concerned about leaving their families unprotected. The County of Tryon Committee of Safety voiced their concerns in a letter to their commanding officer, General Nicholas Herkimer.
Below is a an image of letter to General Herlimer, from my 6th Great Grandfather, William Seeber, Chairman of the Comittee of Safety.
"Canajohary this 12th of July 1777
To Br Gen. Herkeimer
This Committee of the County of Tryon got certain
information, that the Troops under Col. van Schaik
are ordered this day by expres from gen Schuyler,
to march immediately to Fort Schuyler. In the
same time he acquaints this Comittee, that no
Continental Troops can be spared for the protection
and safety of this County, but that all is left to the
spirited efforts of the militia. This Comitee takes
the liberty to lay the critical situation of Cherry
Valley and other parts of the County before you and
can not help to think that sending the Militia out
of the reach of Inhabitants might be of the
most dreadful consequence and that Cherry Valley
sollicites by several express for its defence.
We pray therfore, that your Honor will supercede
your orders for the sending a reinforcement out of
the militia, but to station the Militia in such
manner as will best serve to the protection of the
inhabitants of this County. We hope to have your
concurrence and remain with due respect.
your very obdt humble
Attested William Seeber Chairman
Please to return the enclosed
writings adter Perusal
and immediate orders for
the Militia waiting for your
Commands, by this Expres"
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