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Showing posts from 2022
Trying to get my new website up. Using an old version of Microsoft Expressions Web, I'm trying to use a template from Genealogy Web Creations and combine it with the results from family tree creation software called Gigatrees. Try it:  Seeber-Wright Family WARNING: A work in progress!

Gigatrees - First impressions

 I just started playing with Gigatrees (v 5.4.2) by  Tim Forsythe . To quote the Gigatrees website: "Gigatrees  was designed by and for genealogists to create feature-rich, easy-to-navigate family trees. However, it can also be used by non-genealogists to create responsive websites and blogs. Gigatrees is also  completely free . " I was looking for a program to publish my family tree (Pedigree, etc.) as a website. I had tried various programs, Roots Magic and others, and found the results to be limited and, frankly, a bit amateurish in appearance. I downloaded Gigatrees and have been please with the results. BUT NOTE, its not for the casual user with no experience with computers. More on that later. But first, below are some screen shots of the preliminary results after about a day of work: Home screen Home screen with sidebar expanded Pedigree (or "Tree" as it is called) People sheet (a lot not shown including a fan chart and timelines) Collection...