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Showing posts from 2010

Barbara Cruthird - Thrown out of House and Home!

Alexander Cruthird, served in the Civil War. He served two enlistments - first in the 12th Indian aInfantry, and then in the 11th Indiana Infantry. In between enlistments, he married Barbara Clevenger. In his civil war records is an interesting letter, wherein his Captain requests a furlough for Alexander: ? ? Co “E” 11th Ind Cavalry Benton Barracks St Louis Mo May 25/65 Maj J W Barnes A .G. Dept Mo Sir I have t he honor to request a furlough for Alexander Cruthird, Private Co. “E” 11th Ind Cavalry for (20) twenty days to visit his home in Kokomo, Ind for the following reasons. His wife and Mother have been living in one house, since his Enlistment until a few weeks since. They had some trouble in which his wife and ? children were thrown out of house and home in a helpless condition. He has been a good soldier and I earnestly request its approval. I am respectfully your Obt Servant, William H Sumption Capt E or “E” 11th Ind Cavalry"